Isnin, 17 Oktober 2011

cuTi Exam...

bye bloggerss....atie nk amik cuti 2 minggu berturut2 nie(klau skolah dh dpt amaran)...bkn cuti utk pe...atie nk amik cuti utk examm...exam start ari rabu last posting sbelom exam...doakan atie pass flying colours ea utk exam nnti...
btw still ade cite yg wat atie x puas aty kt klass td...
gara2 bermain belon yg diisi air,sy di marahi oleh ckgu...ape salah main belon,lgpon da abz klas time tu...n dy sruh atie buang belon sad... :(
maybe time dy kecik2 dy x prnah jmpe belon kot...klau jmpe pon belon udara kt dalam maklumlah dduk kt dlam air...bkn darat...
hehe...klah nk exam x leh wat dosa bebnyak,nnti blajar berkat plak....abz hncus exam nnti...kbye....lots of lurve 4 u allzz....

Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011


ehh....cntik nyer,kaw beli kt mne?brape hinggit?...cntik lah lens kaw...then dy pon jwab...ala beli kt **********jer....alah...x yah tau lah...bkn kaw boleh beli pon(sengaja nk merndahkn diri aty tau...)...x per,aty x ksah pon...aty tau sape dri aty...after the next few days...aty pon dpt lens jgak...act dh lme order,tggal x dpt brgnyer lg first day pkai kt skolah,dy org tny beli kt mne...aty ckap jelah,x nk hipokritkn... :)
dy org pon ade tnynhrga....aty ckp murah jeer...x smahal korunk punye...laz2 trlpe nk bkak tag hrga...*rm60...murah jer...utk 3 bln...
tp,rpe2nyer,aty punye lg mhal dr dyorg pnyer....haha..x sgka plak...sbb,tgk gaya dyorg cm ank load,tgk lens pon cm yg rm 100 keatas jer...rpe2 nyer....sgguh x dpt dibygkn rsenyer time tu...cre dy org ckp pon mcm lens tu mhal gler....laz2...hampeh...pas tu,agknyer dyorg trcbar kot...dyorg cm puas aty jer...aty plak termngadu kt akk senior,n akk senior tu plak mmg pkai lens...akk tu pon mmg naik angin lah...dy kate cm dy sorg jer yg bole pkai lens...
n akk tu plak ckp dy nak sound jer si bdak >*&%a$@ akk tu da jnji aty x trlibt...nseb ad btolnyer gak akk tu wt cm tu...x delah bdak tu naik kpala sgt....msing2 syok sndiri...abg agkt da aggp cm pakwe...budus tol kn...syok sndiri pallkn...