Khamis, 22 Disember 2011

i damn u..

adussyy.....trlalu byak status yg mnggunakn nama atie d' smua org damn atie,igt atie nk market plak...adussyy...abz la taun dpan msti kna damn..... :(
mummy help me...bos bulying fren making fun of can i get out of diz...btw i'll mizz all this tomorrow....

Khamis, 15 Disember 2011

keje srupaa cm kem motivasi...

huisyyy....da lame atie ta update blog nie kn...keyhh...first atie na ckp,atie da start keje jd waitress at kopitiam at jb..mmg bez gler,bez sgt,smpi nangis2...hehe...hari n i mmg bez gler,tp smua tu dh over,skrg atie jd tkot ta tntu psal plak...lpas bos ckp cm tu... :'(
rse cm na nanges jer...somebody,bole ta tlg tngkn aty atie ni ckit...ckit pon jdlah...

k bye...ngntok...

Ahad, 13 November 2011

nak renew sim!!!

salam...k lah,atie straight to the point ok...malas nk merewang jauh2...atie nk tny...sape yg pernah or tau cm ne nk renew sim card utk maxis...n berapa caj yg dikenakn...sbb atie pnye sim youth club lang lah...atie syg sgt nombor tu,sbb nombor tu cntik n plan dy yg dh ta da lg skrg...hope kpd kwn2,bole lah bg maklumat yg berguna k...

Sabtu, 5 November 2011


yeay...exam da abizz...time tuk holiday...boleh thn lah exam nyer...x ssah sgt,x sng sgt...btw yg pling hepy coz dpt update blog blik....n pling pntg dpt on9 fb blik...haha...k lah...nextime kite jmpe lg k...nk jejln kt blog kwn plak...dadadaaa...~(gaya gedik) haha....

Isnin, 17 Oktober 2011

cuTi Exam...

bye bloggerss....atie nk amik cuti 2 minggu berturut2 nie(klau skolah dh dpt amaran)...bkn cuti utk pe...atie nk amik cuti utk examm...exam start ari rabu last posting sbelom exam...doakan atie pass flying colours ea utk exam nnti...
btw still ade cite yg wat atie x puas aty kt klass td...
gara2 bermain belon yg diisi air,sy di marahi oleh ckgu...ape salah main belon,lgpon da abz klas time tu...n dy sruh atie buang belon sad... :(
maybe time dy kecik2 dy x prnah jmpe belon kot...klau jmpe pon belon udara kt dalam maklumlah dduk kt dlam air...bkn darat...
hehe...klah nk exam x leh wat dosa bebnyak,nnti blajar berkat plak....abz hncus exam nnti...kbye....lots of lurve 4 u allzz....

Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011


ehh....cntik nyer,kaw beli kt mne?brape hinggit?...cntik lah lens kaw...then dy pon jwab...ala beli kt **********jer....alah...x yah tau lah...bkn kaw boleh beli pon(sengaja nk merndahkn diri aty tau...)...x per,aty x ksah pon...aty tau sape dri aty...after the next few days...aty pon dpt lens jgak...act dh lme order,tggal x dpt brgnyer lg first day pkai kt skolah,dy org tny beli kt mne...aty ckap jelah,x nk hipokritkn... :)
dy org pon ade tnynhrga....aty ckp murah jeer...x smahal korunk punye...laz2 trlpe nk bkak tag hrga...*rm60...murah jer...utk 3 bln...
tp,rpe2nyer,aty punye lg mhal dr dyorg pnyer....haha..x sgka plak...sbb,tgk gaya dyorg cm ank load,tgk lens pon cm yg rm 100 keatas jer...rpe2 nyer....sgguh x dpt dibygkn rsenyer time tu...cre dy org ckp pon mcm lens tu mhal gler....laz2...hampeh...pas tu,agknyer dyorg trcbar kot...dyorg cm puas aty jer...aty plak termngadu kt akk senior,n akk senior tu plak mmg pkai lens...akk tu pon mmg naik angin lah...dy kate cm dy sorg jer yg bole pkai lens...
n akk tu plak ckp dy nak sound jer si bdak >*&%a$@ akk tu da jnji aty x trlibt...nseb ad btolnyer gak akk tu wt cm tu...x delah bdak tu naik kpala sgt....msing2 syok sndiri...abg agkt da aggp cm pakwe...budus tol kn...syok sndiri pallkn...

Rabu, 6 Julai 2011

first time camping!!!

huishh..pnat nyer camping at idaman nurani,hulu ta pe coz pnat nyer brbaloi...ta sia2 lebur 80 inggit..btw mmg chaiyok urh...first time camping da dpt yg mcm dh byk kali g camping...rugi tol sape yg ta pegi tue...korunk tgk cd yg ktaorg bwk balik sjalah..ok..uke lah nk g mkn...pape pon...nie tag line grup yg ade mse mlm kbudayaan...dari geng semut.. APA PON TA BLEY...tata titi tutu

Selasa, 28 Jun 2011


pnat seyh kawad at dlm dewan td...igtkn ujan td ta yah kawad cuz pdg ujan...haisyy....kna lak kawad ngn kadet polis...ktaorg putri tue...haha...naik lenguh seyh kaki kta nie...klah na msok klas...dah kul 12 lbeyhh..

Khamis, 26 Mei 2011


weyh.....lapar lah ne nie?
haha...ayat tu plak yg terkluar masa tgh jwab exam...
subject ape?sume subject lah...
wek...prot aq brbunyi dah...mcm bunyi kacang digoncang...hehe...
k lah...smpi nie jer...bye alll...nk mkn...lpar gler..

Isnin, 23 Mei 2011

karaoke jom!!!

Taylor Swift - You Belong with Me Lyrics

You're on the phone
With your girlfriend
She's upset
She's going off about
Something that you said
She doesn't get your humor
Like I do

I'm in my room
It's a typical tuesday night
I'm listening to the kind of music
She doesn't like
She'll never know your story
Like I do

But she wears short skirts
I wear t-shirts
She's cheer captain
And i'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day
When you wake up and find
That what you're looking for
Has been here the whole time

If you could see
That i'm the one
Who understands you
Been here all along
So why can't you
See you belong with me
You belong with me.

Walking the streets
With you and your worn out jeans
I can't help thinking
This is how it ought to be
Laughing on a park bench
Thinking to myself
Hey, isn't this easy?

And you've got a smile
That could light up this whole town
I haven't seen it in awhile
Since she brought you down
You say you're fine
I know you better than that
Hey whatchu doing
With a girl like that

She wears high heels
I wear sneakers
She's cheer captain
I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day
When you wake up and find
That what you're looking for
Has been here the whole time

If you could see
That i'm the one
Who understands you
Been here all along
So why can't you
See you belong with me
Standing by and
Waiting at your backdoor
All this time
How could you not know
You belong with me
You belong with me.


Oh, I remember
You driving to my house
In the middle of the night
I'm the one who makes you laugh
When you know you're about to cry
And I know your favorite songs
And you tell me about your dreams
Think I know where you belong
Think I know it's with me

Can't you see
That i'm the one
Who understands
Been here all along
So why can't you see?
You belong with me.

Have you ever thought
Just maybe
You belong with me?

powered by lirik lagu indonesia

Khamis, 21 April 2011

betul ke ni?

ya allah!!btol ke nie aq nk brubah?
ntahlah aq rasa aq nk brubah rasa aq x leh teruskan dgn khidupan aq yg bagai kapal yg tersadai ditengah lautan yg dibadai ombak kuat...(aq=kapal/ombak=kehidupan aq)
aq tkot bila aq nk brubah nnti rmai org akn mmpersoalkan knp aq nk brubah??dgn iman aq yg rapuh ni aq boleh karam pada bila2 msa jew...ya allah!!!tolong lah berikan aq hidayah petunjuk yang mendorong aq kejalan yang benar....
bagi sesiapa yg hendak mmbantu di persilakan mmberi komen....
sekian terima kasih....

kawan makan kawan

aq ade sowg kawn nme dy ni A****h...dy ni mmg sowg kwn yg ta buleh dipercayai...atau lebih tepat kawan makan kawan...klu dulu dy yg paling boleh dipercayai...skrg di adalah top 3 kwn yg x bule sy kpd sume jgn lah prcaye kwn tu sratus percent...
krana silap ari bulan dy akn memekan diri anda smula...
renung2kan dan selamat berkawan...

Khamis, 17 Februari 2011


knp smua yg aq lkukan salah di mata ibu dan ayahku?
mereka mnganggap aq ini seolah2orang asing didalam rumah ni...
bla aq buat keje sekolah dyorg kate aq ni malas,nk mengelak dari buat kerja rumah...
bla aq x buat keje skolah dyowg kate aq ta na blajar...
ptutkew dy owg wt cm tu?
bila nk exam sume owg mghrapkan aq sbb dyorg kate aq jer antara limau yg msak...(limau masak seulas)....
tp bla mnx tolong ajr kn atau belikn buku rujukan utk aq blajar,sumenya bg alasan...
nk tny kwn dyowg x kasi...dyowg ckp aq nk mlepak je lbih...bknnyer nk blaja...
ptut kew cm tu?
dulu mse ckgu x kasi kelas tuisyen dyowg bising,suwoh aq tny ckgu x de kelas tuisyen kew kt skolah?ble dh dpt pon bising lagi...
dyowg kate aq ni mnyusahkan dyowg jew...
g kelas sne lah,g kelas sini kputusan exam cm tu jgak...
apew yg samanya?
selama ni yg dyowg duk banggakan result exam kt jiran2 tuh amik result exam spew?
aq pnye result jgak...melobi at jiran kalah perdana menteri...knp x amek result exam ank yg dyowg duk bggakn tuh?knp amek result aq law aq x de peningkatan?
x penah ke dyowg pkir sal prasan aq?
aq rse cm x pnah jew...
klu dyowg pkir pun msti pkir sal prasaan adika q jew...
aq pown x pham....
apew pndpt kowunk?
reply at

Selasa, 25 Januari 2011

result PAT

ari tu tgk result PAT,tp ada penurunan dan ada juga peningkatan...juzt dpat 3A5B1C...
yg slack smpi dpt c....
'tu lah kengkawan ajak pegi klas ta nak dh dpt c....pdn lah muka tiera....huhu...apa nk buat dh naseb bdn...watever pown....lets still chill...